Thursday, February 7, 2013

10 pounds in 3 Days

So I finally decided to put down the fork! Hehehe

I kept wanting to lose weight but just kept saying it and not actually doing it. I'm not overweight but I'm on the borderline of being overweight. I'm 5'2 1/2 was weighting in at 136 pds not the best weight to be at for my height as per this chart: (doesn't she make you want to work the weight off!!) hehe

I was using a S/M in shirts but going into a size 5/6 in jeans. My thigh are getting really thick which isn't a bad thing tho ha ha. But my belly's gut was not being controlled I was almost flat belly girl until my baby girl decided to surprise us by coming this world.

So I found this website that gave a 3 Days diet (supposedly military diet) and you can lose up to 10 pds in 3 days if you follow it correctly of course!!! NO CHEATING!!!!!

So I'm going to share my experiences on this diet. Today is my normal eating day so I'll let you know everything about it!!! I was able to finish the 3-day diet to the end no cheating at all. Well just about nothing if you don't count taste lol. Day ONE I weight in right before getting dressed for work of course I weight in at 134.8 pds because in the morning you don't have nothing in your stomach & you haven't ate. But during the day I'm always at 136 pds I even weighted in one day at 138 that's when i decided that's it I'm doing this diet!!!!
Day ONE was tough but I stayed strong with hunger and everything. It's no joke I swear! You'll be hungry but you have to stay strong or else it's not worth it. Even losing 3 pds in this 3-days diet is a great improving. I maybe would had lost 10 pds if I had time to go to the gym but being a full-time worker then a full-time mom doesn't help you. My daughter only 1 so I can place her in the child care in my gym yet.

Day ONE: Breakfast

Breakfast--1/2 Grapefruit, 1 Slice of Toast, 2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter, and Coffee or Tea

Ughhhh... Grapefruit not my thing at all. yes it's half the fruit! It taste like a orange at the first bite until the after taste of bitter. I only did half of a half grapefruit it has a lot of juice! I did a whole wheat toast and throw the PB on top wooooooo..... I like PB but it's just too much.I took tea since I can't do black coffee. I did a vanilla chi tea. HORRIBLE!!! It just tasted like hot water. ewwwww. That one off my list of teas to try. It was my first tea too.
Day ONE:

Lunch--1/2 Cup of Tuna, 1 Slice of Toast, and Coffee or Tea (any brew, as long as it's caffeinated)

1/2 cup of tuna equal a can of tuna. My mom put too much mayo tho! But I ate one with toast then finish the rest by it's self and drank a chocolate tea a friend gave me a while back to try. It's was okay. I guess tea is just not my thing.

Dinner--3 ounces of any type of meat, 1 Cup of Green Beans, 1/2 Banana, 1 Small Apple, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream (YUM)!!!
Was too hungry & forgot to take a picture of before.

My favorite meal of all day! I did a 3 oz steak cooked it with green beans to give it some flavor. Green Beans never tried it to this day! the banana was like heaven to my mouth and the apple was just a apple & the ice cream YUMMMMYYYY! I did Vanilla Bean. By the end of the day I was okay weight myself before going to bed yes I was at 135 pds.


I weight in at 132.0 Big difference from the night before 3 pds down over night.

Breakfast--1 egg, 1 Slice of Toast, and 1/2 Banana

I had a sunside up egg & fold the toast around & just went along with my day to work with my half banana. The more you're in this the less food it gives you! smh. I just wanted to die!!!

Lunch--1 Cup of Cottage Cheese (Or 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese), 1 Hard Boiled Egg, and 5 Saltine Crackers

I did the Cheddar Cheese the hard boiled eggs and four crackers lol i didn't have five since I only had two packets of those cracker.
Dinner--2 Hot Dogs, (no buns), 1 Cup of Broccoli, 1/2 Cup of Carrots, 1/2 Banana, and 1/2 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream

I throw the hot dogs in with the carrots, cause I personally don't like carrots.I had chicken hot dog not mixed meat hot dogs. Later I'll explain.

Day two was hard as well when I had to pick up foods for other people and smell foods and my mo decided to cook one of my favorite meals. But kept strong and not break my diet cause I really wanna lose that weight. I did weight myself at the end of the night and I came in at 132.2 pds meaning I didn't gain much from what I have ate during the day it wasn't like i had much anyway!! lol so I was glad :)


I weighted myself in at 131.2 just one pds. I wasn't too happy but at least it was working for me.

Breakfast--5 Saltine Crackers, 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese, and 1 Small Apple
I did go buy Saltine crackers the day before so I go to eat 5 crackers The same amount of cheese as the picture above. (yes that's a slice, I'll also explain why later on) and another apple. 
Lunch-1 Hard-Boiled Egg, and 1 Slice of Toast

Another boiled Egg and whole wheat toast of course! as you can see an egg is a good part of your diet. The third day was easier to tell you the truth. I guess what you're training your body to eat less and feel fuller and to be honest I wasn't full but I wasn't hungry.

Dinner--1 Cup of Tuna, 1/2 of a Banana, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
Another half done meal
1 Cup of tuna = two cans seem like a lot right. I don't know but that's what it required so I did it with a little bit of mayo and some lemon juice squeezed on top to give it a touch. Boy did I enjoy those ice cream every night. I decided to continue it lol.

The diet works on chemical breakdown and is proven. Try not vary or substitute any of the above foods. Salt and pepper can be used, but no other seasoning. The diet is to be used for three days at a time taking a four days break.You can being your normal diet but DON'T over do it. This is a safe diet and can be used by many different individuals and body types. Exercise is recommended.

REMIND: Do not eat/snack between any of the meals!
NOTE: Coffee or tea are only for the first two meals of Day 1. Water only from then on. Water intake is unlimited. 
I said I was going to better explain some foods item well here it is:
Coffee or Tea = Plain, black coffee or tea that is caffeinated. Nothing added. So yes that means no milk or no sugars or half & half or creamer or anything else your heart & belly desire.
Tuna = Fresh or Canned tuna fish.
Any type meat = Exactly that, any type of meat, May be fresh, or canned meat. If opting for canned or deli meat, buy the lowest in sodium and fillers, and the closest to fresh as possible.
Vanilla ice cream = Plain, straight, and regular vanilla ice cream. Nothing added.So no syrups or anything else. either you want to lose or continue the way you started.
Egg: Where it's not specified, the egg can be cooked in any manner that you prefer.
Saltine crackers = Plain soda crackers. If not available, just use plain crackers.
Hot Dogs: Beef franks, turkey franks, etc. Franks with only one type of meat. The cheap, mixed meat wieners, with unhealthy fillers, are not recommended.
Slice of Cheddar = About two ounces of cheddar cheese.
Here is if you very very need to substitute something from the diet

1 slice of toast (whole wheat bread). "One" of the following =
  • 1 ounce (1/8 cup) of sunflower kernels (these are also gluten free, but refrain from the Planters brand which has traces of gluten)
  • 1/2 cup of whole grain cereal (such as Kashi Go Lean)
  • 1/2 high protein nutrition bar
  • 5 ounces of meal replacement shake
  • 2 ounces (1/4 cup) of low fat yogurt with 1/2 teaspoon of flax seed
Grapefruit =
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water at least 30 minutes before eating. Use another piece of fruit in its place when you eat. 
Banana "One" of the following =
  • 1 kiwi = 1/2 banana 
  • 1 cup of papaya
  • 2 apricots
Peanut Butter "One" of the following =
  • Soy butter
  • Sunflower seed butter
  • Same measurement of sunflower kernels
Tuna (Same measurement) "One" of the following =
  • Cottage cheese
  • 2 ounces of cooked chicken meat (to replace half cup of tuna, 4 ounces for whole cup)
  • Tofu
  • Almonds
  • Flax seeds
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Peanuts
Hot Dogs (Beef or Turkey Franks) "One" of the following =
  • Veggie Dogs
  • Bratwurst
  • Beans or lentils, any type (4 0unces, or half cup per frank)
Small Apple = Another "fleshy" type fruit such as plums, peaches, or grapes
Egg "One" of the following =
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 Chicken wing
  • 1/4 cup of seeds or nuts
  • 2 slices of bacon
Vanilla ice cream "One" of the following =
  • Same measurement of strawberry or banana flavored milk (not chocolate because chocolate contains caffeine)
  • Same measurement of low fat yogurt with small amount of fruit
  • Apple juice
Green Beans "One" of the following =
  • Lettuce leaves with a few cherry tomatoes
  • Tomato (same measurement)
  • 3 cups of raw spinach or 1 cup cooked and drained
Carrots =
  • 2 cups of fresh spinach ( or 1/2 cup cooked, boiled, drained )
  • Same measurement of beets
  • 1 whole bell pepper
  • ( Or ) make a small salad with 1 cup of fresh spinach, 1/4 bell pepper and a few cherry tomatoes. May use salt, pepper, mustard, lemon pepper or lemon juice to season)
Broccoli "One" of the following =
  • Cauliflower
  • Beets
  • Asparagus
  • Brussels Sprouts
Cheddar Cheese "One" of the following =
  • Cottage cheese, (1 cup to substitute 1 slice)
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 ounces of ham
Cottage Cheese "One" of the following =
  • 2 Ounces of cheddar cheese (to substitute 1 cup of cottage cheese)
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 ounces of ham
Coffee or Tea =
  • Sugar free hot chocolate (the kind mixed with hot water)


That's the best way to lose 10 pds in those three days. I didn't get to exercise since I did it during a work week but I still lost a good amount in three days!
DAY 4:
I weight myself at was happy to see I was under 130 pds.

I ate a normal meal. Breakfast was a egg sandwich with a small coffee and Lunch I order and Whole Wheat Wrap with chicken and turkey Lettuce, Tomato & Mayo. smh I didn't finish the whole thing and then I found myself doing what I usually do push it in. I had to stop myself and save it for later. smh I was so stuffed it bothered me at work all day, the wrap was amazing but I couldn't finish it. I finish it later on with my baby girl for dinner, but I'm going to continue trying to watch my weight and hopefully start the gym next week with a friend. Wish me luck! 

OHHH & Here the Diet more together and easier to see not how I have it above broken down:

The Actual Diet Plan

I have posted this diet for informational purposes only! I am not responsible for anything! Please check with your doctor before starting this diet.

3 Day Diet

DAY 1:
Breakfast--1/2 Grapefruit, 1 Slice of Toast, 2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter, and Coffee or Tea
Lunch--1/2 Cup of Tuna, 1 Slice of Toast, and Coffee or Tea (any brew, as long as it's caffeinated)
Dinner--3 ounces of any type of meat, 1 Cup of Green Beans, 1/2 Banana, 1 Small Apple, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream (YUMMY)!!!
DAY 2:
Breakfast--1 egg, 1 Slice of Toast, and 1/2 Banana
Lunch--1 Cup of Cottage Cheese (Or 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese), 1 Hard Boiled Egg, and 5 Saltine Crackers
Dinner--2 Hot Dogs, (no buns), 1 Cup of Broccoli, 1/2 Cup of Carrots, 1/2 Banana, and 1/2 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
DAY 3:
Breakfast--5 Saltine Crackers, 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese, and 1 Small Apple
Lunch-1 Hard-Boiled Egg, and 1 Slice of Toast
Dinner--1 Cup of Tuna, 1/2 of a Banana, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
If you're planning to start this diet let me know. Have any question as let me know I may have the answer to your question. Or have you tried a diet already that working for you? Let me know I would love to hear about it. 
Well Good Night and stay healthy!!! :) 


  1. Hey I'm planning on starting this 2moro, wish me luck BC I don't really care for tuna but I'm going to stick with it

    1. Good Luck!!! Let me know how it went. It really worked for me, trust me I have no care for green beans but I did just to get the results.
