Sunday, October 21, 2012

To the Farm we go..... Day 1

So yesterday my husband & I took our kids to the Farm. Boy did they love it. My son especially cried not to go home. We went to Alstede Farm in Chester, NJ it's a pretty big farm & it gets super packed I been going for three years but since like two years back last October they started charging the entrance smh. I still go cause I haven't try another one yet but next year I'm trying a new farm cause it's not a theme park but a farm with theme park admission prices.We didn't get on anything cause we went late & wanted to enjoy it for longer to take advance of the price at least so today we're going again earlier & enjoy the day at the farm with the kiddo.

He looks like a model here. Go Jay!

My Baby Girl is on top of the world!

Awww such a cute face :)

Baby Jaz met Baby Moo

Daddy's Princess

My Favorite Bird of all time! I just want a feather Mr. Peacock!

I want my own farm with horses!! I was born to be a country girl not a city girl!

Hope you enjoy my millions of pictures!

Today we're going back so I'll post more pictures of the hay ride, & pumpkin picking field. 

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