Thursday, October 18, 2012

This Week Finding

So I have decided to start blogging about my new finding. I'm into this new leaf. Watch out 2013 it's going to become hit!! So there's this washcloths that Huggies makes. I always got them for Baby Shower Gifts but didn't know what to do with it really.... Like I found no real use for it. Hmmm so the other day I try one & since then I'm hooked thinking of buying more after I finish the box even tho my daughter already one!
"Mommy I love bath time even more now!
This is the washcloths. Huggies makes them.
This Thursday I went into Goodwill. I haven't been to one since I was sixteen in Florida with my aunt. I was looking for furniture sadly there was none. I'm going have to check better thrift shop near home. But I did find some items for decorate. Take a look below. I broke my finish candle burning thing that's really for oil & when i seen this I had to get it! Plus it was only $0.99 I ain't breaking the bank there.

I love these, but not to put the oil in. 

So Pretty with the lights off.

I found this serving tray! $7.99 wasn't that bad, but wasn't super cheap either. It was okay, but I got a Pin inspiration by something I seen & pined. I want to place it on my coffee table in the living room as long as my 1 year old don't touch it that is.

Going to add pictures of my amazing kids! 

This Picture was what cause me to purchase the serving tray for my coffee table. My mom asked me why I wanted the serving tray so badly. Going have to show her this picture so she can get the idea I was going for. I'm going to put a vase with flowers but I don't know what I would put aside it. Hmmm Going have to think of it but when I do I will updated you on my new coffee table display.

What cool stuff have you find for your home to display?

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