Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

Good Afternoon Bloggers,

This is the Aftermath Blog of Hurricane Sandy. This is the link for: Preparing for Hurricane Sandy

Us New Jerseyans had some pretty rough weeks with this female called Sandy. hehe. My prayers goes out to all those really affected by Hurricane Sandy, I thought it wasn't that serious when I woke up & looked out the window Tuesday morning and saw no flooding and barely any rain falling if not none at all. Until My husband and I didn't started driving around that same morning looking for fresh bread for breakfast for the his family we wouldn't have known the affected Sandy really did on our surrounding towns.

So many people lost power but you did have that block that didn't lost power. Those were consider the lucky ones. We went to my in-laws for the hurricane then later find out that we was one of those lucky ones that didn't lose power back at home so of course we went home & lived happily ever after :)

The whole thing about the gas pump was crazy. People was waiting in lines like 3 hours. Gas Station was running out of gas, other wasn't letting you fill up more then $20. Thank God I didn't have to wait & didn't have a restricting amount.

I went a whole week without work. yey!!!! :) a NICE vacation but then the following week had to report to a very cold work place with no heat and just running on a generator that the fuse was starting to enter the building. Worst week ever! We didn't end up getting power in our building till Thursday. I don't know how much more \I would had been able to take it! & Then we had a snow storm too! Good thing it melted right away. Take a look at all the tons of pictures! I also have 5 pictures of Staten Island damage They're the last ones. 

Lines for a Gas Station!!! Blocking my way home!

Sandy broke our window at work!

Snow Storm the next morning after.

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